Praise is Key to our Desired Turnaround. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of mysteries, a kingdom of hidden secrets (Romans 11:33, Mark 4:11)
The mystery of the kingdom is hidden in simplicity, simple commandment. It is the degree that we understand these mysteries that determines there deliveries in our lives. (Matthew 13:23)
One of the potent mysteries of the Kingdom is the mystery of praise. Praise is a mystery that demand understanding, (Psalm 47:7)
Praise has the capacity to provoke fearful and dramatic turnaround. (Psalm 67:6-7)
Those who break forth into singing will break forth into breakthroughs. (Isaiah 54:1-3)
There are dynamic turnarounds that occur based on the depth of our understanding of the mystery of praise.
We have a turnaround heritage in Christ (Psalm 126:1-3) everyone that is a child of God in Christ has a turnaround heritage in Christ. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Our God is a turnaround specialist. There is no situation that God cannot transform. (Ezekiel 21:27, Jeremiah 32:27)
If we have a turnaround heritage, and we serve a turnaround God, then our turnaround is sure.
Praise is the trigger through which the turnarounds are facilitated.
Those who pray visit God’s presence, while those who praise continually inhabit the presence of God.
How praise activates our turnaround:
- Divine presence. A praise-filled life will be a God-filled life. What oxygen is to life is what praise is to God. Thus, praise is an attribute that must be sustained continuously in our lives. (Psalm 22:3) The presence of God is the greatest treasure known to man. (Psalm 114:1-7). Everything else shifts where there is the presence of God.
- Divine glory. (2 Chronicles 5:13-14) Glory eradicates shame. Praise attracts glory. (Zephaniah 3:17,19-20)
You can praise your way out of any captivity of the wicked. (Acts 16:25-26) There is no trap that hell can set that God’s presence and glory cannot overturn.
Receive the grace to remain praiseful so you can continue to enjoy God’s presence and glory.
Watch the full sermon here: