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VOICE of HOPE through COVID-19

VOICE of HOPE through COVID-19

And the LORD says:

I will ESTABLISH My Kingdom in the mist of this health chaos

My Light will SHINE right beyond of this global darkness

The world shall see it and REJOICE together

I have FORE-knowledge of this global health crisis

Yet let it be known that it is that My Name may be GLORIFIED

Many great TESTIMONIES will spring up beyond this pandemic

Many souls will be saved and many more will REBOUND with God

Many marriages will be HEALED

Many homes will be RESTORED

My purposes will be REDEFINED

I will RESTORE the years the cankerworms and palmerworms have eaten

I will COME THROUGH for the helpless and hopeless

NEW and great ideas will be birthed

GREATER opportunities will be revealed

Be more SENSITIVE and FOCUSED in your spirit man

BE STILL and KNOW that I AM the LORD!

VOICE of HOPE through COVID-19


Sharing is caring!

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