The prayer of faith is the prayer that works. Faith is engaging God’s capacity for delivery through the altar of prayer.
Prayer does not deliver according to its ability, but according to our faith. Faith is about engaging the might and capacity of God’s might.
To every divine agenda, there is always a satanic opposition. We are praying about the end-time agenda of God when we pray about church growth.
We may engage in physical work, but there is the spiritual war. It is winning the spiritual war that causes the physical work to produce.
No faith, no victory. The pathway to every spiritual victory is the pathway of faith.
You don’t assume faith, you develop faith, you cultivate faith.
Whatever God can do, faith in God will make it happen. Faith injected into prayer produces results on the altar of prayer. Faith is the difference maker.
Faith content in prayer determines if we will receive answers to our prayers. Faith cannot be assumed, we must build it.
Your approach to God requires faith. You must have faith injected in your prayers to receive answers. When the Word enters your spirit, your faith is built up.
What you don’t demand, God cannot deliver. Be specific in your demand.
I pray that you receive grace to keep building up and developing your grace. From now your faith will deliver answers to every moment on the altar of prayer. Amen.
Hebrews 12:22-23, Acts 2:1-4,6,41, 2 Cor 10:3-4, I John 5:4, Eph 6:16, Matthew 9:27-29, James 1:6-7, James 4:2.
Sermon excerpt: Pastor David Oyedepo, Jnr