So the first question you should ask yourself: “Is Christ in me?” If you believe in His name and confess that He is your Lord, He will immediately come into your life as the divine seed to be your hope of glory.

If you haven’t done so already, simply pray,

 “Lord Jesus, I believe that You are God’s eternal Son who became a sinless man, died on the cross for my sins, and rose from the dead to become a life-giving Spirit. Lord, I receive You as my Savior and life. Come into my spirit, regenerate me with Your divine life. Become my indwelling hope of glory. Lord, I love You.”

If you’ve prayed to receive the Lord Jesus, He, as the seed of the divine life, has come into your spirit as the life of glory, a life full of hope.

Now that you’ve receive the life of glory, Christ in you, you simply need to let Him grow!

If you prayed this simple prayer, you may click any of these links for prayer or counsel request. Our team will be glad to walk with you in this journey of faith.